Tuesday, July 22, 2008

JumpCon: Fans Plan to File Consumer Complaints (Revised)

So far the New Hampshire Attorney General's Office has received 19 electronic filed complaints from Jumpcon customers:

Go to
http://www.doj.nh.gov/ and click on the link for Filing a Consumer Complaint, then read the information and then click on the link for Forms. Fill out the forms with all pertinent information and email it or send it snail mail.

The NH representative said that they were back logged by several weeks, but if they saw a lot of complaints coming in about this one particular business, it might make it go faster.

Here is the information you will need:
Business Name: JumpCon
Address: 53 High Street, Milford NH 03055-6733
Telephone #: Operations-603-249-9001 Sales-603-249-9002 Fax-603-249-9008
Business Owner: Mr. Shane Senter

Also, there is a website for people to visit who have been defrauded via the Internet, the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a partnership of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).




Amanda Gamer states clearly that the backer for the cons was gone by the second week in June. Also, two of their paychecks bounced because there was no money.


Message from Carmel MacPherson at HLWW:

"Since Annie and I had to come to Boston anyway to gather up all themerchandise that we had sent to hotels and Mary and organise to get itall back to LA, I decided to also meet with Shane Senter to get anundiluted feel for where things seemed to be at with future JumpConsand to guage whether I had confidence that people would get reimbursedfor cancelled conventions.I spent some 90 minutes with Shane and would sum up my views asfollows:1. I think that Shane had every intention of actually running theconventions and genuinely believed that they would be a huge success;(in other words, i don't believe that they were a scam - I think thatthey were a genuine but very naive attempt to offer a differentproduct to sci fi fans);2. I do think that Shane is also genuine in believing that he willdo everything in his power to ensure that fans are reimbursed whatthey are owed in the way of registration fees, event fees etc. Havingsaid that, I do not see (given his current circumstances) how that can happen anytime soon - unfortunately.Whilst I know that Shane has his own list, I will also ensure thathe has the summary of Highlander fans debts that Nancye so kindly put together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is the blog I'm looking for, very interesting and like it. Most of the consumers are looking for good quality of products or services. When the consumers try to buy, they are the one to judge it. And consumers will give suggestions or feedbacks. During my search I have found a network that allows consumers to share complaints and experiences for the products or services to let other know. This is the site what I'm talking for - Consumer Complaints